Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rally Ho!

Today the Obama campaign is sponsoring issue-driven rallies in 17 cities across the country, and Brooklyn just happens to be one of them. I will be leaving in about 15 minutes to attend the "Turn the Page in Iraq" gathering being held at Borough Hall.

I'm bringing a camera and an open mind. The framing of the rally is a bit vague. It's billed as a "rally against the conventional Washington thinking that led us into the Iraq War." I'm all for the opportunity to gather people together to protest against conventional thinking of any kind, but I'm interested to see who will heed this call. There's also no advertised list of speakers, or any sort of agenda, so it will be one big surprise.

I think it's not a bad idea to return to the Iraq issue, and focusing on Barack's early opposition is a differentiator from Hillary. Ultimately, I'm not sure how much a contest around the idea of CHANGE is a winning strategy for the primary. I am encouraged, though, to see some on-the-ground action being taken on an issue nominally more specific than enthusiasm itself. It's a step in the right direction, and it's very interesting choice to attempt this in Brooklyn.

Time to hit the street. Expect a report on my experience a little later.

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