Thursday, August 23, 2007

Barack in Brooklyn: A Sorry Apology

Below is the text of an email that I received today from the campaign. At the time that it came in, I was still weighing how I would respond to the mismanagement of Wednesday night's event. This message reinforced the worst of what I'd experienced and provided me with the impetus to make a statement in the form of a reply to the email.

Thank You

Obama for America - NY Finance
Thu, Aug 23, 2007 at 5:16 PM

Good afternoon,

Thank you so much for attending Senator Obama’s event in Brooklyn last night. We all greatly appreciate your support. Due to the overwhelming grassroots support for Senator Obama, we simply couldn't accommodate everyone interested in attending. We are sorry you couldn't make it in and we are determined to make this up to you.

While we can’t make up the time you spent waiting outside, we would like to provide you with a guaranteed opportunity to see the Senator when he next returns to New York. Please hold the evening of Monday, September 24th on your calendars. Senator Obama will be back in New York City and this email guarantees you one non-transferable ticket to that event. As soon as we have the details, we will pass them on to you. Please keep in mind you are the only one who can redeem this ticket.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We really appreciate your support.


Team Obama

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